dimanche 7 février 2010

Advanced social networking for travelers

This article explains how to become somebody thanks to the social media. Indeed, it matters when companies or hotels are now looking for their customers' satisfactions on social media, but they are not necessary paying attention to all of them.
The writter gives us 7 criteria, here are some:
  • Be interesting by being active on Internet: particpate to forum, correspond with other blogger or twitter, react to other posts
  • Get a credible blog which is not only focused on you, but rather one which can help travellers by providing information about hotels where you were.
  • Join the conversation by giving your opinion on your personal experiences
  • Speak up by speaking openly and linking your comments to the travel company's blog

I have choosen this article because it is exactly what we are doing in e-business course, and I think it matters to be somebody on Internet because it may catch the attentin of company if we talk about them.

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