lundi 26 avril 2010

Digital Development in Hospitality

On the 23rd April 2010, I have participated to a think tank: "Digital Development in Hospitality", which shows the evolution of hoteliers thanks to new technologies. It was very interesting because it deals with some problems that I observe during my previous internship.

Indeed, first of all, website of hotels should more focus the content of its page on customers and not on the hotel itself. Lot of websites is alike; but if we focus the attention on the clients, the future customers could have a preview of how they will feel in the hotels. Internet has become the most important media to sell and book a room.

I also think that unfortunately, hoteliers are very slow to react to the current trend. I think that managers of hotels are not very present on social media whereas a lot of their clients or prospects use it.

Here is an article which point out the benefits that hoteliers could derive from the use of social media.

Then, we have talked about the revenue that could generate the reviews of hotels. Indeed, 55% of web surfers book a room after reading reviews. I already know that reviews have a great impact on sales; lot of customers would like to know how the other clients feel in the hotel. Before this conference, I thought that hoteliers had no power over the impact of reviews. In fact, it is a good point when reviews are good but conversely, bad reviews could stop customers in the booking process. I did not know how we could reduce the effect of bad reviews because we could not stop customers to write their opinions. However, I discover thanks to Mr Friedlander that we can take advantage of bad comments; it exists some methods to analyze why and how we receive bad comments by crossing different data.

Here is an article which talks about one of the most website dedicated to reviews: Tripadvisor. Since the success of this website, the CEO has launched it on mobile and there are more visitors on this mobile websites than on the other mobile website in the travel industry!

Finally, we introduce us the impact of applications on expectations of customers. The new smart phone is a real niche for hoteliers as some of customers use it. Now, we can directly book a room thanks to an application, as we can see on this video with zzz app. Once again, I think that hoteliers should take advantage of this new technology to differentiate itself from its competitors. It should be easier for International hotel chain, like Accor or Starwood, to create its own application with a choice of its brand hotels. The goal is to provide a service a booking service directly on mobile and also a concierge service. Smart phone users could book a room and also enjoy personalized services on this same app, as for example, book a taxi at his arrival, buy tickets for museum or cinema after the booking.

samedi 17 avril 2010

Comptoir Vacances

A new website to compare hotels by filling a form with our criteria:
It is a clear website with a classic design; however, it offers 7 destinations, including France, but if I am looking for a Hotel in Paris there is no result ... It is not yet effective!

Barbie's Bedroom!

A new concept : Barbie's bedroom in Plaza Athenee , I'm not sure that it fits with the hotel customers: or may it could fit with eccentric Americans!
However, it is a good action of co-branding : relaunch a product and associate it to a luxurious brand!

mercredi 7 avril 2010


A good way to prove that we should not buy an Ipad: !!!

vendredi 19 février 2010

Hilton partners with Paramount for blockbuster

In the new movie, Up In The Air, Hilton Hotels appear in different scene. Indeed, the movie deals with business traveler who travels all over the world. It was so an ingenious idea for Hilton to do a brand association with this movie.

  • Firstly, it promote the different properties of Hilton Hotels. Spectators may be interested by one of the hotel by viewing the decoration, the atmosphere and the services.
  • Moreover, it may relaunch the business segment which was affected by the economic crisis
  • Finally, spectators identify generally themselves to a character of movies or series, and by this way, they are influenced by the brand of the product used by the character. It leads to the consumption of the product used in the movie.

mercredi 17 février 2010

IStay characteristics

  • The original iStay sets the industry standard,
  • The booking process is simple for your guests,
  • The single screen and interactive experience improves conversion .
    · At a single glance, guests see availability on an interactive calendar. With a click on dates, guests will see rates and available rooms update dynamically on one screen.
    · Guests easily compare all their options, making the decision to book easy.
    · Complete stay customization delivers higher guest satisfaction.
  • Usability tested by consumers and endorsed by hoteliers.
  • Award-Winning design.
  • Every iStay is customizable for your hotel.
    · Guests can not only enhance their room by adding amenities, but they can also customize their packages the same way.
  • Merchandise more, convert more and profit more from online bookings.

Analyse Website

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

lundi 15 février 2010

dimanche 7 février 2010

Advanced social networking for travelers

This article explains how to become somebody thanks to the social media. Indeed, it matters when companies or hotels are now looking for their customers' satisfactions on social media, but they are not necessary paying attention to all of them.
The writter gives us 7 criteria, here are some:
  • Be interesting by being active on Internet: particpate to forum, correspond with other blogger or twitter, react to other posts
  • Get a credible blog which is not only focused on you, but rather one which can help travellers by providing information about hotels where you were.
  • Join the conversation by giving your opinion on your personal experiences
  • Speak up by speaking openly and linking your comments to the travel company's blog

I have choosen this article because it is exactly what we are doing in e-business course, and I think it matters to be somebody on Internet because it may catch the attentin of company if we talk about them.

mardi 2 février 2010

Novotel opens in Christchurch

On 25th January 2010, Novotel has opened a hotel in Christchurch Cathedral Square in New Zealand. Novotel takes the place of the Warner's Hotel, present in Christchurch for 150 years.
Novotel had to work on restoring the previous hotel while constructing a new building.
The aim of this hotel is to offer guests a blend of heritage and modern thanks to a cutting edge design and exceptional local art.
General Manager wants also to offer a first-rate modern hotel.
It targets businessmen thanks to its meetings rooms, as well as leisure segment for families or couple who want to test this unique experience.

dimanche 10 janvier 2010

Harvard Business Review Article

Rosabeth Moss kanter is a professor at Harvard Business School and she has written an article which deals with the importance of networking in the current life, and more particularly in the work place.

Indeed, she has observed a change in the organization of the companies. In the 20th century, the hierarchy was determined by the position of people and their power. Now, we can observe in the vanguard companies that the organization structure is rather horizontal than vertical. It means that the power of a company is holding by few people in order to take the decision, but more people are perceived as “integrators”, as they have a lot of connections and that may serve to the company. Before, the skills required were the technical knowledge, but now it is not enough, connections are more relevant. Of course, it implies a change in the career success: people may move faster to a better job if they get the best networking.

We may make a parallel with social media which reflects this new behavior. Indeed, more you have contacts, more you get importance in the society or in the work place. On Twitter or Facebook, you are friends with people you know but also with people you don’t know, it is the principle of “the friends of my friends are my friends”.

Every day people may meet new contacts, but all depends on how you deal with these new contacts. You might be a connector which means that people use their relationship in the same team or company in order to become a leader. By this way, it enables them to be perceived as a necessary element in a company, and they get a better job quickly.

Formal assignments are necessary for a team member or an employee in order to know what are his goal and objectives; and connectors’ skills enables him to improve his work thanks to another source of information.

I agree with the fact that nowadays connections are very important in order to evolve quickly in the work place. Moreover, it is important to keep contacts and to maintain good relationship with them because it could serve in the future.

samedi 9 janvier 2010

Where digital media is heading in 2010

This article deals with the different way to communicate by using new technologies. I have already talked in my blog about the importance of the creativity in the communication. Indeed it attracts the clients’ curiosity and may create a buzz. Using new technologies implies to be engage and relevant to differ from competitors.

One of the special features of new technologies is that it evolves very quickly, and hotels or OTAs have to adapt themselves in order to use efficiently these tools. For example, a new application is available on I-phone and permits to the owner to book a hotel’s room. Advertisers use also online display or viral video.

Hoteliers should use it cautiously in order to not be too intrusive in clients’ life; otherwise people could reject information if they are undergoing too much advertising. Indeed, people use every day technologies like mobile phone, computer, Internet, social media…